Property Location AlessanoAlessano - MontesardoAndranoBarbarano del CapoCarpignano SalentinoCasaranoCastrignano del CapoCorsanoCutrofianoGagliano del CapoGiuliano Di LecceLeucaLido MariniMarina di FellonicheMarina di PescoluseMatinoMorciano di LeucaParabitaPatùPatù - San GregorioPescolusePresiccePresicce-AcquaricaRuggianoSalveSanta Maria di LeucaSpecchiaTorre PaliTorre VadoUgento
Property Type Palaces, Masserias and Ancient DwellingsHotels and RestaurantsSeaside House and FlatsHouses and Apartments in the cityRural houses and buildings in the countrysideProperties SoldCommercial PremisesBuilding SoilsVillasBuilding Land
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